Centre for Translational
Stem Cell Biology
To elevate STEM CELL TECHNOLOGY to new heights
Established Expanded Potential Stem Cells (EPSCs) from multiple mammalian species including human, mouse and pig, and develop new stem cell technologies
Identify multiple new disease-associated genes and screen cellular phenotypes for drug discovery
Produce functional universal cells for testing cell therapies and generate universal organ donors for xenotransplantation
Maximise particular drug efficacy by taking the advantages of EPSCs for genomic medicine of immune diseases
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Centre for Translational Stem Cell Biology
Centre for Translational Stem Cell Biology (CTSCB) strives to translate stem cell research discoveries into novel stem cell technologies and products originated from Expanded Potential Stem Cells (EPSCs). These will be applied to regenerative medicine, autoimmunity and genomic medicine.
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Managing Director
Professor Pengtao LIU
  • Professor, School of Biomedical Sciences, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
  • Deputy Director, Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Consortium, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong